2025 Dream Destinations of The World’s Most Traveled People

Chicago, United States, January 3, 2025 / TRAVELINDEX / Two hundred and fifty of the world’s most traveled people gathered for the Extraordinary Travel Festival in Bangkok. This is a gathering of the world’s most avid, accomplished, and adventurous travelers. In fact, a world record was set with 31 people who have been to every country in the world meeting at the ETF. Travelers were surveyed regarding their “dream location”. Some of these locations might surprise you and others you might never have heard of.
Here are the top 15 locations chosen by these accomplished travelers:
Antarctica 7.64%
Yemen 7.01%
Japan 5.1%
Pitcairn Island (UK) 3.82%
Papua New Guinea 3.82%
South Pole 3.18%
South Africa 3.18%
Madagascar 3.18%
Kamchatka (Russia) 2.55%
North Korea (DPRK) 2.55%
Greenland (Denmark) 2.55%
Italy 1.91%
Bouvet Island (Norway) 1.91%
Bhutan 1.91%
Argentina 1.91%
Matt McCaughey, an American who has traveled to every country in the world, chose Bouvet Island as his dream destination. Bouvet Island is a Norwegian island located in the South Atlantic Ocean just north of the Antarctic Circle is considered the world’s most remote island. Matt commented, “It’s about as remote as it gets, and I know very few people who have been there. It is a total bucket list destination.”
Andy Hicks, who has traveled to over 120 countries, speaking of Pitcairn Island, “I’ve dreamed of visiting Pitcairn for years – the fact a small group of people are living in one of the most remote places on earth, nearly all of them the result of a ship muntiny (18th century HMS Bounty), is just mind-boggling to me. Spending a few days on the island and getting to know some of the inhabitants, will surely be one of my coolest travel experiences.”
The following all garnered 1.27% of votes: Australia, British Indian Overseas Territory (UK), Brazil, Lake Louise (Canada), Costa Rica, Cuba, France, Timbuktu (Mali), Mongolia, Namibia, New Zealand, Siberia (Russia), Principality of Sealand, Syria, Thailand, Tokelau (New Zealand), Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, and Venezuela.
In this final group, each destination earned .64% of votes: Afghanistan, the Arctic, Patagonia (Argentina/Chile), Lord Howe Island (Australia), Botswana, Central Asia, Easter Island (Chile), Estonia, Faroe Islands (Denmark), Fiji, French Polynesia (France), Gaza, Greece, Hans Island (Canada/Denmark), Ladakh (India), Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Maldives, the Moon, Nepal, Nigeria, Lofoten Islands (Norway), Cook islands (New Zealand), outer space, Palau, Philippines, Portugal, the Republic of Slowjamastan, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sudan, Tonga, Palmyra Atoll (USA), USA, and Zanzibar (Tanzania).
Many would consider this to be an eclectic mix of dream destinations from the well-known to the esoteric. The top three include Antarctica (remote and expensive to visit), Yemen (country racked by civil war since 2014), and Japan (a highly developed and touristed country). Highly ranked and touristed destinations like France and Italy were listed. Unstable and considered dangerous locations such as Afghanistan and Timbuktu are coveted. Remote islands like Pitcairn Island and Bouvet Island cracked the top 15. And some aspirational travelers have their sites on the great beyond, including outer space and the moon. Even two micronations and self-declared countries, Principality of Sealand and Republic of Slowjamastan, earned their way on to the list. The Sultan of Slowjamastan also appeared at the Extraordinary Travel Festival as a keynote speaker.